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Chocolate fondant with salted caramel and Bondi Chai foam

Chocolate fondant with salted caramel and Bondi Chai foam

An Ivan Haynes recipe (contact Ivan on:

(Serves 6)

Chocolate fondant 

  • 200gm dark chocolate (70%) 
  • 200gm chopped butter
  • 4 eggs
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 100gm castor sugar
  • 150 gm plain flour
  • 100gm butter
  • 100gm cocoa powder


  1. 'Preheat oven to 180, place a small square of grease proof paper in the bottom of the ramekins and grease with butter and cocoa, place on baking tray.
  2. Melt the chocolate and butter over a Bain maree, in a mixer combine eggs. Egg yolks and sugar and make a cold sabayon. Fold chocolate and sabayon together then fold in the flour.  Pour mixture into ramekins and refrigerate until needed.
  3. Bake at 180 for 8-10 mins until it is set on the outside and still gooey on the inside.

Salted caramel

  • 200 ml double cream
  • 25ml glucose
  • 15gm dark brown sugar
  • 60gm castor sugar
  • Maldon sea salt
  • Juice of half a lime


  1. Bring brown sugar, glucose and cream slowly to the boil in a saucepan, in a separate saucepan make a dry caramel with the castor sugar until light brown.
  2. Add the cream mixture and cook until it reaches 102 C then remove from the heat and add the lime juice and salt and mix to combine.
  3. Freeze mixture.

Bondi Chai foam

  • 100ml milk
  • 75ml double cream
  • 1 tbsp Club Cinnamon Bondi Chai
  • .5 gram soy lecithin


  1. Heat milk and cream until just about to boil, add Bondi Chai and lecithin and combine with an Emerson blender.
  2. Allow to sit for 5 mins, foam the mix with an Emerson blender add on to the plate around the fondant.

To plate up…

Place the cooked fondant in the middle of a dinner bowl and place a small ball of the slated caramel on top of that, drizzle the Bondi Chai foam around the fondant making sure there is a lot of foam and just a little of the liquor. Dress the plate with some lavender flowers and pistachio nuts.


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